Copyright Registration

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  • From Any where
  • At a Single Click
  • Professional Fees.
  • EMI Option Available.
Copyright Registration

    Copyright grants the rights to an individual for owning an original piece of work. It authorizes the user with the following rights to

    • ● Reproduce the work at will
    • ● Perform the work if the work is an entity like stage play
    • ● Distribute the work
    • ● Display or showcase the work in society.

    So, to protect one’s creative or intellectual property rights, the creator must obtain the copyright registration to the work so it could be safeguard from copying or theft by anyone else.

    Copyright act of 1957 to which six amendments have been made, the most recent being in 2012, defines the rights of an individual to protect his inventions, discoveries, creation of products with newer ideas.

    What does copyright protect?

    The copyright protects words, techniques, ideas, slogans, symbols or designs.

    Who can register for a copyright?

    Any creative person or inventor who has to his name certain products based upon creative ideas.

    Steps for copyrighting a material?

    There are certain steps that have to be taken to copyright a material which are listed below-

    • 1. Fill in the application
    • 2. The application is reviewed by the authorities. In case of no discrepancies or objections proceed to step 3
    • 3. The copyrights are registered.

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