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  • Professional Fees.
  • EMI Option Available.

    DIN is the director identification number used to uniquely identify directors of the companies or the individuals who want to be directors. DIR3 KYC is the application e-form for compliance. DIR 3 KYC is the annual compliance to know your customer applicable to every DIN. During a financial year, every director must file a DIR3 KYC. It is an annual affair failing which heavy penalties might be imposed. So, care has to be taken that DIR3 KYC compliance has to be filed. If you for certain reasons are not in position to file the application, we can do it on your behalf. You can never go wrong with us.

    There are certain requirements for filing DIR3 KYC and these are

    • You have to provide a proof of permanent address
    • A copy of aadhar card and passport is must
    • The proof of current address
    • A copy of PAN
    • Applicant’s digital signature.

    The form will update the details of all the directors having DIN.

    When filed within the stipulated time, no fees are applicable but after the due date, if your DIN is deactivated for not filling the DIR3 KYC, afine of Rs 5000 has to be paid.

    You can leave us the filing of the DIR3 DIN KYC form.

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