Private Limited Company Registration

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Private Limited Company Registration

    For doing business, a private limited company is one of the most desirable entities. With the ministry of company affairs, the help to start a private company is made available to you. Simply put, the private limited company registration gives the owner all the rights to conduct business anywhere in India. Upon successful restoration of private limited company, you are liable to get the following

    • ● CIN number
    • ● The certificate of incorporation

    Next, after acquiring the above, you can proceed to create a bank account depending upon the acquired entities and proceed to do the business.

    The rules governing the private resignation company

    • ● The company must have at least two directors
    • ● The owner of the company must raise a shared capital of Rs 1 lakhs

    How can we help you in starting the business you always dreamt of starting?

    There are some formalities to be met before you get on your way to doing business. These formalities are

    • ● To acquire distal signatures from the practicing-chartered accountant or company secretary, which we can help you in acquiring

    It essentially means, you hire a good CA. for the business.

    The process of starting a private limited company business

    The private limited company business has a process, which must be adhered to and completed before you could become an owner of legitimate business, the important process steps are

    • 1. Apply for a digital signature certificate, which essentially is the approval of authenticity of the person who signs digitally. It is based on public-key cryptography or asymmetric cryptography. It generates two yes, public and private and both are mathematically linked. It begins with creating a hash, which is encrypted with the aid of a private key. A hash function is used to check if the computed hash matches with the encrypted hash. If a match occurs, the data is to be trusted otherwise not
    • 2. Apply for DIN registration, which effectively is a 8-digit director of the company number. It stores the information of directors as a database, alongside the pan number of the director.
    • 3. Check for the availability of business names at the MCA website and choose a suitable name for your business.
    • 4. Apply for the business name approval, which after approval you can proceed to the next step.
    • 5. Fill in the E-MoA and E-AoA forms, which are basically used to sign your memorandum of association for the newly formed company.
    • 6. Apply for the PAN and TAN applications.

    Documents required to register a private limited company

    You require certain documents for your application for the new company to succeed

    These are given as the following

    • ● Director’s PAN card
    • ● Director’s Aadhar card
    • ● Passport sized photograph
    • ● Proof of business address

    Benefits of Private Limited Registration

    • ● Easy business setup
    • ● Limited liability of members
    • ● The business acquired credibility
    • ● Raise funds from investors with ease
    • ● Name protection

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