Sell your Trademark

  • In 15 days
  • From Any where
  • At a Single Click
  • Professional Fees.
  • EMI Option Available.
Sell your Trademark

    Trademark is a very important asset of a company, as it represents the company to the people. Many people recognize the products and the company with the trademark. If you have a successful trademark but want to sell it to a third party, we can help you transfer the control of the trademark.

    In India, the assignment of a trademark is done according to the Trademark Act 1999. The assignment of the trademark could be of two types

    • Complete assignment where the whole of trademark is sold to the assignee
    • Partial assignment in which only a part of the trademark is sold
    • Assignment with compassion in which the assignor who sells the trademark, sells the whole part of it alongside the value of the trademark in the market. As such, the assign becomes the complete legal owner of the trademark.
    • Assignment without goodwill which is prevalent in India though most of the countries in the world don’t allow it. It shows that the trademark is available for certain goods and services to the assignee while the assignor keeping the trademark for certain other goods and services.

    The procedure of selling a trademark is quick and efficient, hardly requiring any paperwork.

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