Trademark Registration

  • In 15 days
  • From Any where
  • At a Single Click
  • Professional Fees.
  • EMI Option Available.
Trademark Registration

    With our expert guidance, you can go for trademark registration to protect your intellectual assets, which have been developed as a part of the product evolution. You can avail of the best trademark registration process to safeguard your assets. Go for a trademark registration with us.

    A trademark is a symbol or words used to protect any inventions or discoveries of processes that form a part of the product or services design. The obvious benefit or a direct implication of a trademark is that it inspires trust and loyalty among your customer base.

    You can sue anyone who copies the content produced by you under the trademark. This way, your interests are secured against any theft of intellectual property.

    What can be a part of the trademark?

    A trademark has the following components, which can be used to make a unique trademark-

    1. Name

    • a. Product Name
    • b. Business Name
    • c. Personal Name
    • d. Any abbreviation of the name

    2. Logo
    3. Tagline
    4. Marks

    • a. Color Mark
    • b. Sound Mark for audio files
    • c. Scent Mark

    The classes of Trademark

    ● Class 9 for software and electronics products
    ● Class 25 clothing
    ● Class 25 business and advertising
    ● Class 41 education and entertainment

    The steps for trademark registration

    1. Find a name
    2. Choose the class

    File a trademark application

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