Trademark Search

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Trademark Search

    A trademark is a symbol or words used to protect any inventions or discoveries of processes that form a part of the product or services design. The obvious benefit or a direct implication of a trademark is that it inspires trust and loyalty among your customer base.

    The steps for trademark registration

    • 1. Find a name
    • 2. Choose the class
    • 3. File a trademark application

    Before you could register the trademark, you have to find a suitable name for the trademark. The care must be taken that the trademark must be unique. To ensure the uniqueness of the trademark, the trademark has to be searched, and the search for a trademark involves searching against the names in the trademark database.

    The information retrieved while searching a trademark for registration

    A quick trademark search reveals the following information

    • The name of the person who has applied for the trademark registration
    • The application number and the date when the application was filed
    • The class of trademark under which the application was made
    • The status of the application
    • Approved
    • Withdrawn
    • Registered
    • Objected
    • Abandoned

    For quick and effective trademark registration, contact us today. In a short span of time, we can get you a trademark through trademark search.

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